Saturday, May 1


ECON 104 midterm test - 2 days to go...

I'm not quite sure whether I'm using a right heading above... I was constantly 'looking' at my microeconomic notes when I suddenly remember about what Stephen Hickson (our lecturer) tought about monopolist two day ago in C1...

The memory popped up as I have trouble with my IE browser which was 'accidentally' produced by the biggest and most famous monopolist ever known to human kind... My laptop will simply be directed to blue screen of death (haiyaa.. the blue screen that associated with Ctrl+Alt+Del laa remind you..I'm using Win ME, my comp specs is not so good to enable me to use XP) after a while if I try to open the browser... Luckily, I have not been using that browser for quite a long time after I found out that Mozilla 1.6 is much cleaner and easier to use. Two thumbs up!!!

Of course there drawbacks of not using the very popular browser...
It happen to me though... the layout of this website quite looked differently in Mozilla and IE... The layout doesnt look that good in IE... I realised about this lil' prob when I checked it out using a friend's comp... I'm using Mozilla... what the heck should I care about IE user...hehe... Nolah...

Woopss... 'bout this monopoly thingy... I guess I had gone too far from the heading... Hmm... It seems that we have no other option but to live with Microsoft... "Sape yg tak gune Windows / microsoft office angkat tangan?".... Eh.. no one? yup just like what I expect... An average ordinary user like me and million others out there will prefer windows rather that using other OS... MAC anyone? i believe the number is increasing... but your life wont be that easy, you just dont have that many options as Win user... true or not? and an apple (the computer my friend, not the fruit.. hehe) is relatively not cheaper compared to a PC.... "agak mahalla jugak..." open source? Linux? dare to try? unless you are full with technical jargons in your head, dont ever try it...hehe...even the profs are just using it as a second OS... right Mr. Bevan Clarke? (My AFIS 123 lecturer...I'm gonna miss him...a man with lotsa experience... got his PhD 32 years ago...huh..that was long long time ago...)

So? continue using a monopolist product and you are expected to pay what they wanted you to pay... they are de' price maker... the market supply curve are simply their marginal cost curve and above normal profit they are going to make... be it short run or long run...

Hey, did I forget that I hava a test in less than 48 hours? Hmm.. got to study now... but its least I did some revision by trying to recall about this monopoly thing... Did I? hehe... entahlaa labuu...

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