Tuesday, May 4

Another You...

Hope you guys will like the song... otherwise, just click the stop button. The tone might be too sad and sober for some people...For me, this song can be very relaxing and I don't mind listening to it all night long... But people aren't born to be same...

I'd missed one day to upload this blog...

Yesterday was quite a dull day. Study all day long and ended up frustrated in the night. The test wasn't suppose to be that hard... but maybe its not my rezeki to do well in the test. I can no longer hope for an excellent mark for the test, a decent one should be okay. Now its time to pray for the best. That's what a muslim should do...

Buat yang yang terbaik dan serahkan kepada yang Maha Esa untuk menentukannya...

"Wamakaruu wamakarallah. Wallahu khairul maakiriin...."
Terjemahannya lebih kurang begini " Kamu merancang dan ALLAH juga merancang. Dan sesungguhnya ALLAH itulah sebaik-baik perancang..."

And today is my lil bro's 11th birthday... Selamat Hari Lahir... Haven't wish him yet.. Gotta call home now... :)

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