Monday, May 31

Journey to da' South...

OUPersada organised an event; Malaysian Malay Cultural Night on 29th May '04..

Hey! Thats my birthday... dah tua dah ye...bukan belasan tahun lagi.. huhu..

Leave Chch on 28th, at 1600 and arrived Dunedin safely at approximately 5 hours later.

Hmm.. feel a bit lazy to make a report on the trip. Read Shahrul a.k.a Bijan's (p/s: cepat betul dier buat repot nih.

Overall, a great trip. Even a five star hotel can't beat their hospitality. Bunch of thanks for Kak Siti and Kakoq for the accomodation. We look forward to see all OUpersada members here in Chch...

p/s: thanks a lot for the surprising birthday song after the ceremony. I was speechless there... thanks again...


//Dikir ramong, tok jogho chch mai

//Lakonan orang melawat majlis kawin, pengantin out of sight

//Tualang tiga...

//Jejaka-jejaka 'konon' tampan :P

//Gadis-gadis 'posing'...

Thursday, May 27


Hari ni buat rekod lagi. Khamis lepas dah buat rekod. Cukup seminggu buat rekod, hari ni sekali lagi.

Hari ni ponteng tak datang kelas sehari lagi. Menarik. Memang sangat menarik. 2 minggu berturut-turut dah tak datang kelas hari Khamis ni. Apela nak jadi?

Tak taula excuse untuk hari ni bole diterima pakai ke tak...

Dah buat sket calculation.

Kalau kirenye yuran pengajian yang berbelas ribu tu digunapakai untuk lectures dan tutorial je. Maka hari ni sebanyak NZD120 telah dibazirkan. Huih! Duit rakyat Malaysia tu.

Kalau tak datang satu kuliah, purata NZD 30 telah lenyap tanpa kesan. Lepas tu makan kat Flambe 3 4 kali. Takpun bole beli satu sweater yang branded sket kat Farmers.

Tu baru sorang tak datang satu kelas. Kalau reramai pakat ponteng sehari? Berape banyak terbuang tuh?

Pandai-pandaila nanti nak menjawab...

Wednesday, May 26


People will make the least mistakes when they make decision on what to buy with their own money for themselves.
And they will make more mistakes when they decide on buying thing for others with their own money.
But people make the most mistakes when they decide on what to buy on other people using other people's money...

A spontaneous quote from Stephen Hickson in a lecture two or three days ago. An interesting senteces though.

Think about it. Isn't it true?

Situation 1: We wanted to buy something, we know what we want and will do the best to get it. So? Less mistakes will be made during the process.

Situation 2: Receiving presents during birthday. C'mon, tell me how many time when you get something as a gift its is totally a thing that we longed for? Never?

Situation 3: We are holding someone else's money. He/she asked us to buy something for another people. What the heck then we should know what the other person wants? therefore, we always ended up with something totally different from what they wanted.

So? Whats the matter with that? Hehehe...

In situation 3, it often reflects government. Isn't it? Let's take a glimpse at it. We paid taxes. Government will then use the money to for our benefit(at least thats what they claimed...) So, as government are making decision to spend someone else's money for some other people, they often ended up with a wrong decision? Don't you think so?

Tuesday, May 25

Amerika Lagi...

Semangat betul diorang cakap yang Saddam Hussien ni pemerintah kejamlah,kroni lah, pentingkan diri sendiri lah dan ntahape-apa lagilah.

Konon Saddam ni tak demokratiklah. Rakyat Iraq merana di bawah rejim Saddam. Lepas tu sebab alasan anti-terrorism, diorang pun ambushla Iraq. Jumlah korban? Wallahua'lam.

Perang dah pun di'declare' tamat setahun yang lalu. Tapi, jumlah korban jadi makin bertambahla pulak. 5558 orang mati. Itu yang masuk statistik, yang tak masuk?

Baca: Tentera AS bunuh lebih 5,500 orang awam Iraq

Orang awam tu, jom buat calculation jap,

5,500 bahagi 365 = purata 15 orang awam terkorban setiap hari

Hmm... ntahlah, memang tak habis nak buat cerita pasal maslah ummat ni. Kita bolehlah duk kutuk-kutuk AS ni, tapi apa lagi yang kita (baca=rakyat kebanyakan,bukan pemimpin) boleh buat?

Boikot barangan Amerika. Idea yang sunggguh bernas. Memang boleh lumpuh gak ekonomi AS kalau semua ummat Islam yang berbillion ni boikot.

Tapi persoalannya, berapa ramai yang betul-betul faham Islam dan teguh pendiriannya nak boikot barangan Amerika ni? Terus terang cakap, memang sangat susah. Lagi-lagi kalau kita ni remaja, syabab yang darah masih panas membara. Semua nak try.

Yang faham agama pun susah nak buat, ini pulak yang tak faham atau langsung takde asas agama. Yang faham Islam itu hanyalah solat, zakat, puasa, haji, kawin. Full stop.

Hmm, berat masalah kita sekarang ni...

Memang umat Islam akhir zaman, tidak syak lagi. Nantikanlah kedatangannya...

Monday, May 24

Amerika Oh Amerika...

Nak bercerita pasal Amerika memang tak cukup muka surat dibuatnya. Banyak sangat yang buruk, yang tidak sedap didengar dan 'panas' je hati mendengarnye. Lagi-lagi kalau berkenaan Islam,Muslim dan sewaktu dengannya. Memang nampak sangatla 'bias'nye.

Memamgla Allah sendiri dah cakap:
" Walan tardha' 'ankal yahuda walan nasara hatta tattabi'a millatahum..."
Terjemahan: Dan tidak sesekali Kaum Yahudi dan Nasrani itu akan redha terhadap kamu (orang-orang Islam) sehinggalah kamu mengikut telunjuk mereka...

Polis Dunia kononnya. Lagak hebat. Biarlah banyak manapun kesalahan yang dibuat, dunia seolah berdiam diri dan membenarkan tindakan mereka. Dah buat salah nak cover plak.
Terbaru, Rumsfeld larang penggunaan kamera bimbit di Iraq. Ni semua akibat tersebarnya gambar penyiksaan tahanan Iraq oleh tentera Amerika.

Baca: Rumsfeld haramkan telefon bimbit berkamera di Iraq

Bangkai gajah macamlah boleh tutupkan?

Teringat satu lagu M Nasir. Lirik yang sangat berkaitan. Taklah sefamous "mentera semerah padi" atau "phoenix bangkit dari abu"... tapi lirik yang sangat membawa makna. Enjoy =)

Mencari Amerika

A.M.E.R.I.K.A. Amerika Amerika
A.M.E.R.I.K.A. A.M.E.R.I.K.A.
Amerika Amerika

Ku mencari Amerika
Oh! di mana Amerika
Ku mencari Amerika
Oh! di mana Amerika

Dari Hollywood ke CNN
Dari Pepsi ke Coca-Cola
Dari Newsweek ke Time Magazine
Dari Kentucky ke McDonalds
Dari Dallas ke Dynasty
Tarzan ke John Wayne
Casper ke Rambo

Ku mencari Amerika
Oh! di mana Amerika
Di sini Amerika
Oh! di sana Amerika
Sini sana Amerika
Mana-mana Amerika
Seluruh dunia Amerika
Oh! di mana Amerika
Di sini Amerika
Sini sana Amerika
Mana-mana Amerika

Ku mencari Amerika
Di mana Amerika
Ku mencari Amerika
Di mana Amerika

Dari Pentagon ke CIA
Dari Hiroshima ke Nagasaki
Dari Vietnam ke Pulau Bidong
Nicarguay, P.B.B., Desert Storm
Bosnia, Herzegovina

Aku mahu Amerika
Aku mahu Amerika
Ku mencari Amerika
Ku mencari Amerika
Bagi aku Amerika


Entahlah. Memang tak habis-habis negara yang satu nih. Sigh!

Sunday, May 23


Another social gathering today. Yup, two social events in two days. Oopss! Three actually...

Sambutan Maulidurrasul...
22052004@1000-1500 hrs
A simple yet grand ceremony of Kelab Melayu South Island... barzanji,salawat,asmaul husna(huh its been ages after I last recite it),a short but compact talk about Maulid from Bro Salahuddin(I wonder if this is the right spelling though..)nasyid performances from Kaum Ibu & anak and from UC Muslim/Malay Guys (thats us...),funny yet breathtaking pop quiz for the children and of course makan-makan..hehe...

Ilam Cultural Extravaganza...
22052004@1800hrs till late
None of us went there though. Tak larat. We have to either cook dishes for 10 or perform something to gain entrance. Takpelah, Terima kasih jelah... Better lie on the comfortable bed and sleep... ZzzZZzz...

Another makan-makan. Organised by Petsocs. Quite a number came. Ended with some games between JpA and Pet. 3 players were imported to strengthen the outnumbered JpA squad. Namely Ye,Amir and Nazim. A very funny moment. Lots of jokes and unforgettable events. We lost by a single point. Good performance mate. Esp in Win,Lose or Draw. Haha... Can't wait for another BBQ to be held... hehe..

Saturday, May 22

Entri menarik...

Terbace ni dlm Kawanster Friendster nye Bulletin Board, ade sorg kawan ni post kan... tak tau la dier dpt dari mane... Pakdi pun ade letak gak dlm entry dier, dier pun curi pinjam dari Marwan...



Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Amzanig huh?


Mungkin ade yang dah bace sebelum ni... tapi mmg sgt menarikkan?
Nak cube buat dalam Bahasa Melayu lak...

Keehaatbn mdina msinuaa

Mneuurt sroenag peyneliidk di Unirevtisi Cmarbgdie, suusn autr huurf di daalm stauseu preatakan itu tdaik pntieng. Hnyaa huurf ynag pmatrea dan trehiakr daalm paaaktern itu prelu ada pdaa kakuudden anyalsa. Huurf-huurf ynag lian beloh datelik di daalm suusn autr ynag tdaik ksaih baagimnaa sakepulin rnyapua, tpatei mdina msinuaa misah beloh macabmeyna tpana sbenarag maaaslh. Ini aaadlh knaera mdina msinuaa tdaik mcabema saeitp huurf utunk mmetenbuk saeustu prekaaatn, tpaeti prekaaatnn itu sracea keesluurhnayna...



So how? Bole bace?
Please give your comment... But only in "prekaaatn beertraubr" k? Hehe...
Examine whether it is applicable to all language or is it just English?
Yaa sesame kite merosak/punah/rojak/jahanampelbagaikan bahasa kita...

Thursday, May 20


Hari ni satu hari tak g kuliah. 3 lecture n 1 tutorial. Account, Stat, Law n Econs...
Menarik, menarik... memang menarik.
Rekod gak tuh...apela nak jadi kn?

Bukan ape, (ni nk cari excuse la ni...) sakit kepala n badan rase sungguh tak bermaya sgt ari ni... jadi berbaring di atas katil jela...kene plak kuliah sume pagi, Hmmm... memang tak g la jwabnye... Hehe... =)

Tapi jgn salah sangke lak. Still remember that I'm here as a result of taxpayers' money n I should never n ever put them to waste...

Huh! Besar tanggungjawab tu... sesame la kite ingat ye rakan-rakan seperjuangan... =)

Anyway, I've changed the blog layout a lil'bit. Stretch kasi lebar sket n letak scroll utk ChatterBox. A minor change though. Nampak cam kemas sketla.. ok kn? =)

Monday, May 17

LOVE Entry Again...

Do we really understand what love are?

Hey! What the heck should I mumbling about love again? Huh! And I suppose I'm not the right person to talk about love...

Combination of love and technology ? Ever heard about it? No its not a loving android. Nor it is a technological devices or gadget that u love to have it wherever u go. No! Its not that... :P

Read the long conversation below to figure out what I mean...
Enjoy your reading... =)

Service Rep: Hello, you have reached the Heart Systems Software Company help desk. How may I help you?

Customer: I just received your latest program, know...the freeware. I don't understand it. Can you tell me how to install it?

Service Rep: Sure thing ma'am. Do you have the installation disk and instructions with you?

Customer: Yes I do, but first can you tell me what the program does?

Service Rep: Sure thing ma'am. LOVE is a unique program, there is no other like it in the world. LOVE attaches to your operating system and runs silently in the background. You will never see LOVE on your monitor or your toolbar, but you will notice it's effect on every application you have. It makes the good programs run smoother and greatly restricts and/or deletes the bad ones.

Customer: Wow! That sounds great. How does LOVE make my machine run smoother?

Service Rep: Well, good sound files, like COMPLIMENT.WAV, ENCOURAGEMENT.WAV, and KINDWORD.WAV will play frequently. Also, FORGIVENESS.EXE will be invoked everytime thre is an external violation, including the ever-popular syntax errors. Also, all those aggravating errors that say "unable to connect" will be avoided. LOVE allows for a smooth connection with external devices, regardless of what country it is manufactured in, the brand name, or the age of the model.

Customer: That's exactly what I need, my machine has been isolated for too long. But, what about the bad programs?

Service Rep: Good question. LOVE searches your memory for programs like HATE.COM, BITTERNESS.EXE, SELFISH.COM, and SPITE.EXE. These programs can't be entirely deleted off your hard drive, but LOVE overpowers those programs. LOVE stops their commands from being executed and runs it's own instructions. You will no longer hear INSULT.WAV and you won't be able to write with the fonts "BADWORDS12" or HARSHNESS10."

Customer: That's a fantastic program you have. Are the upgrades free?

Service Rep: They sure are ma'am.

Customer: How do I get the upgrades?

Service Rep: That's easy. once you have LOVE installed and running, it automatically copies a module, or a piece of itself, to every external Harddrive, Email, and Remote Terminal (HEART) that it comes in contact with. In turn, those external devices run whatever version of LOVE they have and return a module to your HEART. You will be upgraded with each and every module that you receive. But you have to remember, to receive the upgrades you have to be running LOVE and you have to come into contact with other computers while it is running.

Customer: I can do that. I'm not very technical, but I think I am ready to install now. What do I do first?

Service Rep: The first step is to open your HEART. Have you located your HEART ma'am?

Customer: Yes I have, but there are several programs running right now. Is it okay to install while they are running?

Service Rep: What programs are running ma'am?

Customer: Let me see...I have PASTHURT.EXE, LOWESTEEM.EXE, GRUDGE.EXE, and RESENTMENT.COM running right now.

Service Rep: No problem. LOVE will automatically erase PASTHURT.EXE from your current operating system. It may remain in your permanent memory, but it will no longer disrupt other programs. LOVE will eventually overwrite LOWESTEEM.EXE with a module of it's own called HIGHESTEEM.EXE. However, you have to completely turn off GRUDGE.EXE and RESENTMENT.COM. Those programs prevent LOVE from being properly installed. Can you turn those ma'am?

Customer: I don't know how to turn them off. Can you tell me how?

Service Rep: My pleasure. Go to your Start menu and invoke FORGIVENESS.EXE. Do this as many times as necessary until GRUDGE.EXE and RESENTMENT.COM have been completely erased.

Customer: Okay, I'm done. LOVE has started installing itself automatically. Is that normal?

Service Rep: Yes it is. You should receive a message that says it will reinstall for the life of your HEART. Do you see that message?

Customer: Yes I do. Is it completely installed?

Service Rep: Yes, but remember that you have only the base program. You need to begin connecting to other HEART'S in order to get the upgrades.

Customer: Oops...I have an error message already. What should I do?

Service Rep: What does the message say?

Customer: It says "ERROR 412 - PROGRAM WILL NOT RUN on INTERNAL COMPONENTS". What does that mean?

Service Rep: Don't worry ma'am, that's a common problem. It means that the LOVE program is set up to run on external HEARTS but has not yet been run on your HEART. It is one of those complicated programming things. In non-technical terms it means you have to "LOVE" your own machine before it can "LOVE" others.

Customer: So what should I do?

Service Rep: Can you find the directory called "SELF-ACCEPTANCE"?

Customer: Yes, I have it.

Service Rep: Excellent, you are getting good at this.

Customer: Thank you.

Service Rep: You're welcome. Click on the following files and then copy them to the "MYHEART" directory: FORGIVESELF.DOC, SELFESTEEM.TXT, REALIZEWORTH.TXT, and GOODNESS.DOC. The system will overwrite any conflicting files and begin patching any faulty programming. Also, you need to delete SELFCRITIC.EXE from all directories, and then empty your recycle bin afterwards to make sure it is completely gone and never comes back.

Customer: Got it. Hey! My HEART is filling up with really neat files. SMILE.MPG is playing on my monitor right now and it shows that WARMTH.COM, PEACE.EXE, and CONTENTMENT.COM are copying themselves all over my HEART!

Service Rep: The LOVE is installed and running. You should be able to handle it from here. one more thing before I go...

Customer: Yes?

Service Rep: LOVE is freeware. Be sure to give it and it's various module to everybody you meet. They will in turn share it with other people and they will return some really neat modules back to you.

Customer: I will. Thank you for your help.


Sunday, May 16


I've been to many wars and I've been there on many reasons. Some of them are because of pride,some because of power. But I do believe going to war because of LOVE is the best..."

One of the catchy dialogue in Troy. Watched the movie with some fellas yesterday. Quite a good movie to watch. 4 star out of 5. Its really worth your money. But do not expect any happy ending though =)

Highly recommended for history and action packed lovers. A fully emotive story. But girls out there, if you want to see Legolas in action again, definitely...this is it.

Two worlds will go to war for honor and power. Thousands will fall in pursuit of glory. And for LOVE, a nation will burn to the ground.

Click here for more info.

Totally a wierd... what should I say? creature?. It is hardly understandable. Love and like? Whats the different? Anyone? How do you know whether you like or love someone?

It has been said "when U love someone dont give it all as U may hate him someday. And when U hate someone dont put your hatred to the fullest as U may love him someday..."

Love is blind. In Troy, two nations caught in war as the effect of the blindness of love. A never defeated power were burnt (literally) to the ground. A great warrior fall because of love.

Love will make people do anything... and thats include crazy things also, I suppose. Read a real 'stupid' story below...

Di sebuah Taman Kota Kosmopolitan 2001...Para pekerja yang sibuk membersihkan kawasan taman rekreasi gempar. Raungan bunyi ambulan begitu mengejutkan ketika pagi yang masih terlalu awal ini. Kelihatan beberapa petugas paramedik begitu sibuk memberi pertolongan kepada sepasang muda-mudi yang terperangkap di dalam sebuah kereta di taman tersebut. Nahas bagi pasangan merpati dua sejoli itu, malaikat maut telah mencabut nyawa mereka dalam keadaan yang sungguh tragik.

Apa yang terjadi sebenarnya?

Ternyata sepasang muda-mudi itu nekad membunuh diri dengan menutup saluran ekzos kereta dengan keadaan enjin kereta masih terpasang. Akibatnya mereka mati dalam keadaan berpelukan dan saling berciuman sehingga begitu sukar pihak bertanggungjawab memisahkan antara dua jasad tersebut. Begitu "mengharukan". Kertas yang telah mereka tanda tangani. Antara kandungannya; tolong jangan pisahkan mayat kami dan terus dikebumikan bagi membuktikan cinta abadi kami sehidup semati. Dan di bahagian akhir surat tersebut tercatat bahawa mereka melakukan ini demi menyelamatkan cinta 'sejati' yang 'suci' ini kerana orag tua tidak merestui hubungan cinta mereka. Astagfirullah...

And compare with this...

Di sebuah rumah di Jazirah Arab 1400 tahun yang lampau...

Abdullah bin Abu Bakar RA baru saja melansungkan pernikahan dengan Atikah binti Zaid, seorang wanita cantik rupawan dan berbudi luhur. Dia seorang wanita berakhlak mulia, berfikiran cemerlang dan berkedudukan tinggi. Sudah tentu Abdullah amat mencintai isteri yang sebegitu sempurna menurut pandangan manusia.

Pada suatu hari, ayahnya Abu Bakar RA lalu di rumah Abdullah untuk pergi bersama-sama untuk solat berjemaah di masjid. Namun apabila beliau dapati anaknya sedang berbual-bual dengan Atikah dengan lembut dan mesra, beliau membatalkan niatnya dan meneruskan perjalanan ke masjid.

Setelah selesai menunaikan solat Abu Bakar RA sekali lagi melalui jalan di rumah anaknya. Alangkah kesalnya Abu Bakar RA apabila beliau dapati anaknya masih bergurau senda dengan isterinya sebagaimana sebelum beliau menunaikan solat di masjid. Lantas Abu Bakar RA segera memanggil Abdullah, seterusnya bertanya: "Wahai Abdullah, adakah kamu solat berjemaah?" Tanpa berhujah panjang Abu Bakar berkata: "Wahai Abdullah, Atikah telah melalaikan kamu dari kehidupan dan pandangan hidup malah dia juga telah melengahkan kamu dari solat fardhu, ceraikan dia" Demikianlah perintah Abu Bakar kepada Abdullah. Suatu perintah ketika Abu Bakar dapati anaknya mula melalaikan hak Allah. Ketika beliau dapati Abdullah mula sibuk dengan isterinya yang cantik. Ketika beliau dapati Abdullah terpesona keindahan dunia sehingga menyebabkan semangat juangnya semakin luntur.

Lalu bagaimana tanggapan Abdullah? Tanpa berdolak dalih apatah lagi cuba membunuh diri, Abdullah terus menyahut perintah ayahandanya dan menceraikan isteri yang cantik dan amat dicintainya. Subhanallah!!!

Only love to ALLAH and His messenger Muhammad SAW should be ETERNAL. And that will lead us to the right path towards ETERNAL life after deaths...

Bersama kite memuji kebesaranNya... dan sampaikan Selawat serta salam ke atas JunjunganNya... Amiin...

Thursday, May 13

Da same ol' song...

It has been 4 days after I last updated this blog.
Sigh! It has been a very busy week. Busy eh? I wonder if I used that word appropriately.

Not really busylaa... just a couple of tutorials and homeworks plus a lab test and one easy assignment on Offer and Acceptance to be sent in... Not really busy though...kan?

Only then I realised that the song "Syurga di telapak kaki ibu" by Aishah has been there for quite a long time. Maybe quite a number feel bored... Sorry eh? I'd changed it back to "Another You"... the same ol' relaxing song of Cromok...


We lose again. Just like before.

  • Read the report here

  • Read the excuse here

  • Nothing to shout about. We lose to Indonesia. The reigning champs. The host country. Who to be blame? The player? Or is it the coach? The management? Please. Do share your comments and valuable thoughts.

    Cheers mate. Malaysia BOLEHla

    Sunday, May 9

    National Service

    Last year, during my preparation year at INTEC, UiTM, I did a mini research paper which sounds like " Implementation of National Service in Malaysia: Is it necessary?" . After all the arguments, I concluded that national service should be implemented, given that there are a lot of benefits if everyone involved is sincerely committed.

    And now I'm starting to regret the fact that I made that conclusion. Why? There are too much flaws. here and there.

    The rape story. The not so-commited and less-trained trainer. Latest news. A serviceman died from drowning. Read the full story here.

    The plan for National Service was re-proposed by Tun Mahathir during when he was still in power. Eh, he is still in power. He is now the so called "Penasihat Petronas". Huh?

    The main intention is to curb the racial problems. Albeit too late, it should be supported if that is really their main objective. But now?

    The plan was really in rush. Inapproprate planning. The results are what we can see now. Lets just see in two or three years time. Whether it will shows some improvement. Whether the objectives will be fulfilled. Wait and see. Or is it wait and feel? Whatever...


    Pegi Lincoln semalam. Ade makan-makan sket. Time kasih bebanyak ye...

    Balik dari Lincoln dah pukul 10 lebih. Pegi tengok EPL lepas tu. Man Utd vs Chelsea. Tapi sangat-sangat menghampakan...

    Kitorang (termasuk Krol-da' Chelsea fan and Dobi-die hard fan Man U) sampai dah lambat. Dah minit ke 40. Sempat tengok Nistleroy miss penalty. Sakit hati gak. Terlepas tengok live goal Gronkjaer. Pastu time nak tengok 2nd half, kitorang yang punyela bersabar tunggu time break tu, rupenye si Kiwi (nama dirahsiakan) tu nak tengok ragbi plak. Dah die yang pegang remote, nak buat cemane. Kene plak kunci projector tu dier yang pegang, so takleh nak buat ape langsung.

    Maka beredarlah kami. Pegi main pool lak lpas tu. Lepas brape frame main masing-masing balik bilik. Tengok result kat internet. Seri 1-1. Bolehla Man U. 3rd place je taun ni...


  • Laporan penuh perlawanan

  • Statistik perlawanan

  • Hmm... hari ini hari ibu ek? ke semalam? Wallahua'lam. Sebab tak sambut, tu yang tak tau sangat tu... Ape yang penting... selalu doakan ibu, ingat pesanan die n jangan sekali melawan. InsyaAllah. Jadi lagu Aishah tu masih lagi relevan utk didengar. Scroll bawah sket kalau nak tengok lirik.

    Saturday, May 8


    Tertarik dengan entri yang Pakdi tulis. Kepimpinan melalui solat. Ni nak promote sket, bukan sebab Pakdi tu dulu SMAP. tapi sebab jurnal Esprit De Corps ni memang menarik untuk dibaca. Klik kat sini kalau nak baca. Takpun klik kat link EspritDeCorpS kat sebelah.

    Solat. Perkara yang nampak simple tapi hakikatnya sangat susah.

    Nak maintain solat jemaah? Susah tu... Nak solat awal waktu? Macam susah jugak... Nak khuyu' time solat? Lagila susah... Ape yang senang? Senang je nak tinggal solat ni, nak semayang lewat waktu lagila senang... benda-benda yang nak melalaikan solat ni memang sangatlah senang. Betul tak?

    Hmm... Entahlah... Banyak sangat dah lagha' sejak kat sini...

    Thursday, May 6

    Kasih Ibu...

    Sesetengah orang panggil ibu. Ada orang panggil emak. Ummi pun banyak jugak.

    Pengorbanan ibu? Tidak perlulah rasanya di sini nak diceritakan akan betapa besar pengorbanan ibu kepada diri kita masing-masing. Dari bayi hinggalah kita membesar hingga sekarang. Memang tak tercerita dan tak terbalas. Eh, boleh balas sebenarnye, cukuplah dengan kita jadi anak yang soleh, yang sentiasa mendoakan dan sentiasa patuh akan suruhan dan arahannya. Sejuklah hati ibu tu. Allah pun redha. InsyaAllah...

    Bukan ape, tengah-tengah buat assignment Stat 111, lagu Aishah- "Syurga di bawah telapak kaki ibu" terdengar dari playlist Winamp 5.0 kat komputer ni. Dah jauh-jauh ni memang senang nak terase rindu kat kampung halaman ni. Lagi-lagi pulak kalau lagu-lagu yang syahdu-syahdu ni... kan? Kat bawah ni ade lirik lagu tu, jom kite sesame hayati dan follow lagu ni... layan rindu jap. Tak salah kan rindu kat mak sendiri? =)

    Duhai apakah gerangan
    budi balasan
    Bagi insan melahirkan,

    Bercucuran airmata
    bila mengenangkan
    Betapakah besar budi
    ibunda berikan

    Siang malam menderita
    Hingga entah bila
    Sungguh besar pengorbanan
    Ibunda berikan

    Tiada bahagia
    jika tiada
    Doa puja restu
    Syurga itu telapak kaki ibu

    Tuesday, May 4

    Another You...

    Hope you guys will like the song... otherwise, just click the stop button. The tone might be too sad and sober for some people...For me, this song can be very relaxing and I don't mind listening to it all night long... But people aren't born to be same...

    I'd missed one day to upload this blog...

    Yesterday was quite a dull day. Study all day long and ended up frustrated in the night. The test wasn't suppose to be that hard... but maybe its not my rezeki to do well in the test. I can no longer hope for an excellent mark for the test, a decent one should be okay. Now its time to pray for the best. That's what a muslim should do...

    Buat yang yang terbaik dan serahkan kepada yang Maha Esa untuk menentukannya...

    "Wamakaruu wamakarallah. Wallahu khairul maakiriin...."
    Terjemahannya lebih kurang begini " Kamu merancang dan ALLAH juga merancang. Dan sesungguhnya ALLAH itulah sebaik-baik perancang..."

    And today is my lil bro's 11th birthday... Selamat Hari Lahir... Haven't wish him yet.. Gotta call home now... :)

    Sunday, May 2

    Something to be shared...

    Fatwa with regards to Maulidurrasul

    We all know that the Companions of the Prophet,
    peace and blessings be upon him, did not
    celebrate the Prophet's birthday, Hijrah or the
    Battle of Badr, because they witnessed such
    events during the lifetime of the Prophet who
    always remained in their hearts and minds.

    Sa`d Ibn Abi Waqqaas said that they were keen on
    telling their children the stories of the
    Prophet's battles just as they were keen on
    teaching them the Qur'an. Therefore, they used
    to remind their children of what happened during
    the Prophet's lifetime so they did not need to
    hold such celebrations. However, the following
    generations began to forget such a glorious
    history and its significance. So such
    celebrations were held as a means of reviving

    Great events and the values that we can learn
    from them.

    Unfortunately, such celebrations include some
    innovations when they should actually be made to
    remind people of the Prophet's life and his
    call. Actually, celebrating the Prophet's
    birthday means celebrating the birth of Islam.
    Such an occasion is meant to remind people of
    how the Prophet lived.

    Allah Almighty says: "Verily in the Messenger of
    Allah ye have a good example for him who looketh
    unto Allah and the last Day, and remembereth
    Allah much."
    (Al-Ahzab: 21)

    By celebrating the Prophet's Hijrah, we should
    teach people values such as sacrifice, the
    sacrifice of the Companions, the sacrifice of
    `Ali who slept in the Prophet's place on the
    night of the Hijrah, the sacrifice of Asmaa' as
    she ascended the Mountain of Thawr. We should
    teach them to plan the way the Prophet planned
    for his Hijrah, and how to trust in Allah as the
    Prophet did when Abu Bakr told him: "We could be
    seen so easily, the Prophet replied saying: "O
    Abu Bakr! What do you think of two when Allah is
    their third?" "Have no fear, for Allah is with
    (At-Tawbah: 40)

    We need all these lessons and such celebrations
    are a revival of these lessons and values. I
    think that these celebrations, if done in the
    proper way, will serve a great purpose, getting
    Muslims closer to the teachings of Islam and to
    the Prophet's Sunnah and life.

    by:Sheikh Prof Dr Yusof Qardawi

    12 Rabi'ul Awwal is the date. Every year we celebrate it. But did we as a Muslim really follow the path shown by Our Prophet Muhammad (praise be upon him) as a sign that we really love him? Did we follow his Sunnah? Did we perform our duty as a khalif? Let sit back and give a deep thought about it...

    Saturday, May 1


    ECON 104 midterm test - 2 days to go...

    I'm not quite sure whether I'm using a right heading above... I was constantly 'looking' at my microeconomic notes when I suddenly remember about what Stephen Hickson (our lecturer) tought about monopolist two day ago in C1...

    The memory popped up as I have trouble with my IE browser which was 'accidentally' produced by the biggest and most famous monopolist ever known to human kind... My laptop will simply be directed to blue screen of death (haiyaa.. the blue screen that associated with Ctrl+Alt+Del laa remind you..I'm using Win ME, my comp specs is not so good to enable me to use XP) after a while if I try to open the browser... Luckily, I have not been using that browser for quite a long time after I found out that Mozilla 1.6 is much cleaner and easier to use. Two thumbs up!!!

    Of course there drawbacks of not using the very popular browser...
    It happen to me though... the layout of this website quite looked differently in Mozilla and IE... The layout doesnt look that good in IE... I realised about this lil' prob when I checked it out using a friend's comp... I'm using Mozilla... what the heck should I care about IE user...hehe... Nolah...

    Woopss... 'bout this monopoly thingy... I guess I had gone too far from the heading... Hmm... It seems that we have no other option but to live with Microsoft... "Sape yg tak gune Windows / microsoft office angkat tangan?".... Eh.. no one? yup just like what I expect... An average ordinary user like me and million others out there will prefer windows rather that using other OS... MAC anyone? i believe the number is increasing... but your life wont be that easy, you just dont have that many options as Win user... true or not? and an apple (the computer my friend, not the fruit.. hehe) is relatively not cheaper compared to a PC.... "agak mahalla jugak..." open source? Linux? dare to try? unless you are full with technical jargons in your head, dont ever try it...hehe...even the profs are just using it as a second OS... right Mr. Bevan Clarke? (My AFIS 123 lecturer...I'm gonna miss him...a man with lotsa experience... got his PhD 32 years ago...huh..that was long long time ago...)

    So? continue using a monopolist product and you are expected to pay what they wanted you to pay... they are de' price maker... the market supply curve are simply their marginal cost curve and above normal profit they are going to make... be it short run or long run...

    Hey, did I forget that I hava a test in less than 48 hours? Hmm.. got to study now... but its least I did some revision by trying to recall about this monopoly thing... Did I? hehe... entahlaa labuu...