Monday, June 4

Menghitung Hari II

It has been about 15 months now since I last saw my mum, my dad and all others.

I still have about 3 days to be able to do that again.

My bro is gonna get married.

He asked me to be his best man.
That's why.

Now only if I don't have two midterm tests on the night before departure.

P/s: Anyone for a new mobile phone or any other gadget for that matter? I could buy them for you. Possibly a bit lower than local market price. I would certainly be spending at least half a day at lowyat area.

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Menghitung Hari


Anonymous said...

bestnyer dpt balik mesia..uwaaaaa!!!!nk ikut balik..!!!!

Assaif S.N said...

Nak ikut? Jom... =P

sarahss said...

boleh tau. nie budak smapk ke?
tu sajer...

Assaif S.N said...

waalaikumussalam sarah, ya saya.. batch SPM 2001