Sunday, May 10

Auckland - Sails and the city

I am currently safe and sound; home away from home, in Auckland, New Zealand. In rekindling the memory of yesteryears, this is as good as any.

Here is my story...

On a mission to save our beloved earth, I have come to rescue my wife first and foremost; before the attack of the Klulu... an alien being alienated from our world long long time ago. He has now come back, very eager to complete a mission of revenge onto the whole world.

Equipped with the latest technology of GPS and satellite navigator in hand, his army is well trained and very blessed with the well built body; as a result of a great combination of genes from Usain Bolt, for his speed, Arnold Swazernagger for his strength and Barack Obama for his leadership and smartness.

Now back to the Hero of the day, yours truly, now that he has saved his wife from the evil Klulu, he has to save the world. Like any other heroes, this one also has his greatness and powers...

- to be continued...

Back to reality now shall we?

Auckland is indeed the city of sails. There was a statistic (don't quote me on this) compiled stating that Aucklanders has the highest percentage of people owning a boat or a sail yatch.

At the very infamous and crowded Auckland Harbour, although not as famous as Pearl Harbour, due to no blockbuster movies ever being made from the name, there lies thousands of boats, ranging from small fishing boat, to luxury yatch with a 5-star accommodation that my cost as much as a private jet. At the back of any Jeeps of big SUVs like a Pajero you would see a tags like "my other car is a boat", or any thing in that nature. 

Myself? Although I do not suffer from motion sickness, I don't really prefer hobbies that involove swimming. Simply because I dont swim, I could do floating though. Hehe...

The truth is, I am here in Auckland to visit my newly wedded wife. She is completing her studies soon. Although I was not quite sure my presence really helps in speeding up that process. Hehe... Being here for her surely would be good enough. I hope.

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