Saturday, September 1

Merdeka Day Celebration [UPDATED]

**updates in red**

[This post will stay here until the event is over. New posts below]

On behalf of Canterbury Malaysian Society and Kelab Melayu Inc, I would like to invite you to the 50th Merdeka Day Celeberation Dinner. Details as follow:

Date & Time : Saturday, 1st September 2007 at 6.00pm
Venue : Caledonian Hall
Dress Code : Traditional.
Entry Ticket : $30.00

But please do not let the ticket price fools you. Here is what you get for your money's worth.

Food - Catered by Malaysian Food Catering (Mr. Ishak)

Served in a Malaysian Hawker Stall Style buffet style with the food server will be in a Malaysian Traditional Outfit.
- Roti Canai Buffet [home made roti canai, kuah dal and sambal ikan bilis]
- Mee Rebus Buffet [well, mee rebus and all the usual stuff that comes with it, curry, veges etc]
- Nasi Lemak Buffet [Nasi lemak, rendang, boiled eggs and slices of cucumber]
- Satay Buffet [need introduction with this? + coconut sauce]
- Dessert Buffet [as of now, I am not quite sure what the dessert will be, but rest assured that its not something that you can eat everyday]
- Drinks [Sirap bandung, tea and coffee]

Lucky Draws:

Lots of them. In fact its so many that I could not remember them all. There will be potentially more than 60 lucky draws to be won. Chances are that you might not be returning home empty handed with less than 300 guests only.

- Probable prize tickets from Malaysian Airlines, Singapore Airlines, Air New Zealand and Jet Star.
- A brand new mountain bike
- 20 KFC voucher worth $25 each
- Free stay @ Riccarton Motel (might be quite useful if you are having family/relative visiting)
- Food vouchers @ Sampan Restaurant, Chinatown, Pagoda Steamboat etc.
- More to come. The committees are working hard on getting new sponsors everyday.

Enough said. Please do spread the words around and give a thought about it. I am sure it will be worth it.


Anonymous said...

ish..menariknyer..nape aut x cuti lg time tu..?kenape..?kenape...?kenape..????

Anonymous said...

entri tiket tu tak termasuk harge makanankah???

Assaif S.N said...


aida: pegila tanye dean of bisnes =P
anas: ya saya, tiada kos lain yang tersembunyi.

Anonymous said...

anas & assaif :
ape r assaif nih..anas kn tanyer x termasuk harga makanankah..?awak jawab.."ya saya"?pastu tiada kos lain plak..?konfius2..huhu
xpe r adik anas..akak jawab yer..sumer tu termasuk harga makanan.. =D jadi dtg yer..bawak kawan2 lain sekali.. =D

Assaif S.N said...

=) salah bace soalan

zuril said...

salam assaif.

what's your email address? sama dengan yahoo ID? nak tanya something pasal Christchurch dan kawasan yang sewaktu dengannya. =)

Assaif S.N said...

salam kak zuril,

same dgn yahoo id =)

wah! nak datang christchurch ke? excitednye.