Wednesday, November 28

Islamic Cars? (2)

I had previously blogged on Islamic cars; as was proposed by Tehran. I was at that time being a proponent of that idea.

And I still am, despite a contrasting idea by the Director General of IKIM about the proposal. He questioned the main intent of the proposal.

It is nice to have differing views on a particular matter. Its just get your brain going.

For me , he did put up a very strong point. Maybe just not persuasive enough to sway me. Thats all.

Saturday, November 24

MALAYSIA : Truth and Justice

We always said that "outsiders" do not know the reality in running our own country. We and we alone know the way. It might not be the right way, but it is our way. No questions should be asked.

But I believe that the act of listening never hurts anybody. I could not help but to agree in some way or the other with Mr Backman on this.

Truth and Justice are no longer Malaysian Way

Thursday, November 15

Exam Schedule

31 Oct 2007 - AFIS 501 -Accounting Theory and Application Aegrotat Approved
5 Nov 2007 - AFIS 514 - Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
9 Nov 2007 - AFIS 506 - Auditing
15 Nov 2007 - AFIS 503 - Management of Information Systems and Technology

Saturday, November 10

Islamic Cars?

Now this is interesting. I wonder how the outcome would look like.

The idea was put forward from Tehran. It is said that the car would have all the essential Islamic features such as kiblat reading, compartment to put Quran, scarves et cetera.

This proposal of Islamic car will involve Iran, Turkey and Malaysia.

For me this is one great idea. Not so much of the features of the car but because of the idea that Islamic countries could join together economically generate something useful, and "refreshing".

The features are already existence in abundance. Kiblat reading? Sat-nav has been here long. Maybe they just have to tinker the software a bit to make it more "kiblat" friendly. Create a little more compartments here and there. Cut here paste there.

More importantly, this could be a great start for something of a great significance. Start with a car, then maybe develop our own engine, transmission that not many others have. Use resources from other Islamic countries. Who knows what might happen next.

I for once applauded this idea and hopefully the efforts that will follow. I will certainly wait for the outcome.

Read: Malaysia, Iran And Turkey Plan To Produce 'Islamic' Cars

Friday, November 9

May Allah Bless You, Always

You really are and will always be, ma.

Happy 25th birthday...

for the second time =)

How Well Do We Know Our History?

This is a flip side of the history of Malaysia that we know.

I just thought that every "anak merdeka" should know the "real" history of our Independence. And by real I mean from a different point of view, from both sides of the story.

Not just the one we had learnt at school. Not just the story that the winners wanted us to know.

Do we really know what happened 10 years before Merdeka?

These are real stories from real people; who had gone through it all - sharing their experiences, for us the younger generation. The so called "anak merdeka"

Watch and ponder.

part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

These videos are produced by Fahmi Reza. An "anak merdeka" too. All credit to him.

Thursday, November 8

Are you curious enough?

This one has definitely diverted my attention from studies.
Oh, what hasn't?

Give it a try and see if you could beat my time ;)

Just click on the pic will ya.