Tuesday, March 22

Seven Wonders...

Okay, lets be imaginative today...

Imagine that I am your high school teacher, or your varsity lecturer if you like.

On one lovely day, I came to class to teach, as usual. But then, instead of mumbling about the notes or asking you to open the text book whatsoever, I asked every single person to take out a piece of paper.

And then I said, "In 1-minute's time, would you guys please list down the current seven wonders of the world."

What would your answers be?

Would it be like this?

1. Egypt's Great Pyramids

2. Taj Mahal

3. Grand Canyon

4. Panama Canal

5. Empire State Building

6. St. Peter's Basilica

7. China's Great Wall

Or would you take longer than 1 minute, not to be able to list that down. Not because you are stupid or lack of general knowledge. But simply because what you think as the wonders of the world would be something like this?

1. to see

2. to hear

3. to touch

4. to taste

5. to feel

6. to laugh

7. and to love."

The things we overlook as simple and ordinary and that we take for granted are truly wonderous! A gentle reminder - that the most precious things in life cannot be built by hand or bought by man.


Thursday, March 17

A new template

A new template? Yet again?

Simple as it is.
Black and white.

I'd finished a management test yesterday.
So ,kinda free today and decided to change the template.

Hope you guys like it as would I...

Komenla sket.. hehe.. =)

Sunday, March 13



Update tak bermaksud tak busy.
Tak update pulak tak bermaksud busy.

Kalau kita ada mood, busy macam mana sekali pun akan cuba cari masa jugak nak update.
Tapi kalau kita takde mood, tak busy macam mana sekali pun kita tak akan update juga.

Jadi kesimpulannya???

p.s. kesimpulannya berjaya jugak kuupdate blog ini dalam keadaan pening lagi memeningkan... =)